Thursday, 23 February 2012

Moscow's harsh warning,Israel and America not to attack Iran

Israel and America not to attack Iran

 Russia is worried about America's nuclear threat as an excuse to grabbing the huge deposits of oil and gas in Central Asia, to attack Iran

A Russian Foreign Ministry official other than Israel and America Vaqt attack on Iran, warned the two countries. According to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, it is likely that America would attack Iran from military base in Kyrgyzstan. The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said America's military attack on Iran could be an excuse for grabbing the oil and gas resources of Central Asia.According to Radio France, Gennady Gatylf, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, in Mtbvatyash conference in Moscow, said: "Any military scenario against Iran, for the entire region and also for the collection of international relations would be disastrous."

He continued: "I understand the consequences of Israeli (military) is" and again emphasized that "we get there to stage military operations. 

According to the report over the past few weeks, Israeli officials have spoken repeatedly about the possibility of attacking Iran, but with the recent visit to Tehran, International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors, According to the report over the past few weeks, Israeli officials have spoken repeatedly about the possibility of attacking Iran, but with the recent visit to Tehran, International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors,Recent mission to stay baffle investigators, once again favored negotiations between Iran and Western powers and the possibility of political solutions is greatly reduced.

According to this source, the most recent remarks by senior Russian officials that Moscow's military response, Israeli and American worried.Assigning inspectors to remain mission, once again fortune negotiation between Iran and Western powers and the possibility to find a way to resolve the political severely reduced.

According to the source, Newfashioned words the most high-ranking officials of Russia shows that Moscow severely anxious military reaction Israel and America.Possibility of military attack on Iran, through a U.S. military base scenario Drqrqyzstan raised and considered very dangerous.Mr. "Lvkashvych" said: "I ​​can not use this base to attack Iran if ignored.The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman described this concern explicitly, saying: "Behind the repeated calls to stop nuclear proliferation,It may be urged that there is another broad area of control of political geography, that of hydrocarbons (oil and gas) is very rich. "Mr. "Lvkashvych" turn also stressed that "hope is not realized such a terrible scenario."Military base in Kyrgyzstan, the base "Manas", which is located twenty kilometers from the city of Bishkek. This site is now one of America's main centers for the administration of military affairs is about Afghanistan.

Kyrgyzstan is the only country at the same time, an American military base and a Russian base in its territory is acceptable.The Kyrgyz government has announced plans to dismantle the 2014 American base at Manas. But so far, been successful every time that America's bargaining and rent increases, the survival of a strategic base in the heart of Central Asia provide.

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