Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Iran and Wrong signals

There were indications from the United States and the Western countries that imposed by the impact of the economic sanctions eventually are fed up and Iran are being increasingly economic problems.

But, despite this, yet there is no sign of that are not come before the sanctions will be able to get some who actually want to the United States and its allies, that is, it is that the Iranian government that they decide the uranium enrichment process is about the United Nations nuclear inspectors arrived in Tehran
Iran is can increase in Iran nuclear capabilities: Britain, France to stop selling of oil related topics Iran actually on this issue before the news is totally contrary to this, meaning it's the enrichment of uranium that Iran to 20 percent of the plan to increase.

If Iran and the decision of nuclear weapons, the need for preparation of nuclear weapons more important material rapidly will be achieved.

There have also been reports that Iran is the enrichment of uranium used in a more modern and centrifuges also plans to introduce it.A chain of very deep in the earth near the city of Qom frdua made ​​nuclear plant has been installed.

In Iran, is also in the Navy and a small war Navy also bhyrh room way of Suez Canal in their limited exports of oil and sent to Britain and France companies also stopped selling.  

But as always with such effects are confrontation can help influence the reduction in Iran on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency of the host team also himself is an interesting progress. In this way the indication from the side of Iran is also being given that the UN Security Council and Germany, with the five permanent members
Dialog on nuclear issue started again.

Undoubtedly prsurthal total discrepancies but it is present in Iran's ruling class and persecution reflect way is also not in the nuclear policy on any matters of real change.

No doubt discrepancies situation but it is present in Iran's ruling class and way of persecution is also not reflect that the nuclear affairs any real change in policy on' 

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