Wednesday, 9 May 2012

In fact, al-Qaeda double agent underwear bomber

According to the information from the United States will be paid to us from the ship in Yemen ا underwear bomb hidden in person to actually double agents.American officials had said that the person is being present in Yemen by the Al-Qaeda to American ship was handed over to the work of the device were handed over to the CIA.
The American army, the Pentagon is sending some experts to Yemen and that of Al-Qaeda militants and supporters of the increasing number of local security personnel training.The keck before the American media was  that the American intelligence agencies, the Al-Qaeda in Yemen, has failed to a plan under which the United States to a plane underware' perceptions of the bomb was through.Saudi Arabia to the double agents of the intelligence agency, that Al-Qaeda is to convince the American ship that they should be given to the suicide attack willing to.'The bomb' in occupation of the US officials and according to the information, American investigative agency to review the FBI.According to the reports, when the project was held by that time was not a target of nor any ship was bought a ticket.Alleged suicide attack plan to make any details of the person who has not been issued.It is not clear that the 'bomb' is made according to the officials, however, some of the Christmas day in 2009 the aircraft Dytryat underware' bomb by trying to Umar Farooq 'Abd al-muttalib plan to see it.White House spokesman Kaytln Hayden said that the US president Barak obama about this project in April had been informed about this. He said that any devices now there is no threat to,The time has come, This is a senior leader of Al-Qaeda in Yemen a Daron Fahad alqaso killed in the attack.

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